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An Eventful Year at Denmark's Best Airport

3. January 2024

The year 2023 was off to a great start at Aalborg Airport – with several exciting route announcements and a strong Danish wanderlust. Overall, there were 4.8 percent more passengers through the terminal in 2023 than in 2022, as a result of a significant growth in international traffic. With the prospect of continued positive development and exciting new routes on the horizon, expectations for 2024 are optimistic.

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Direct Non-stop Route to Girona & the Costa Brava Coast

28. December 2023

From spring 2024, the beautiful Costa Brava coast will be on the route map from Aalborg Airport when Ryanair flies directly to the Spanish city of Girona, the largest city in northern Catalonia. Consequently, the new year brings another sunny announcement for Danish travelers when their summer vacation dreams are set to come true.

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SAS Strengthens the Direct Route to Oslo from Aalborg Airport

28. December 2023

From April 2024, SAS is allocating additional capacity to the direct non-stop route to Oslo from Aalborg Airport to meet the growing demand on the route. There will be up to 2 daily departures to Oslo – with a late morning departure and an afternoon departure. The increase will benefit travelers from North Jutland, especially business travelers, who will have significantly more travel options to and from Oslo, as well as onward connections to cities such as Bergen, Trondheim, and Stavanger.

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Best Travel flytter ind i Aalborg Lufthavn

20. December 2023

Det danske rejsebureau, Best Travel, vil i begyndelsen af det nye år åbne et nyt kontor i Aalborg Lufthavn. De siger derfor farvel til deres kontor i Frederikshavn og starter et helt nyt kapitel i lufthavnen, der vil bringe dem endnu tættere på deres kunder og styrke den personlige service, når rejsedrømmene skal indfries.

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Første direkte afgang med airBaltic til Gran Canaria

4. December 2023

I går den 3. december kunne vi byde velkommen til et nyt flyskab i Aalborg Lufthavn, da lettiske airBaltic havde første direkte afgang til det solrige Gran Canaria. Dagen blev fejret på traditionel vis med kage og kaffe til de rejsende samt klipning af en grøn airBaltic-snor i dagens anledning, der officielt indviede den nye rute.

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The Canary Islands were top of mind in the last month of autumn at Aalborg Airport

1. December 2023

Autumn at Aalborg Airport was concluded with biting cold Danish winter, providing a strong incentive for a sunny trip southward, where the Canary Islands were top of mind in November 2023. With continued momentum in international travel, there was an overall increase of 1.6 percent compared to November 2022.

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Direct Non-stop Route to Nice from Aalborg Airport

14. November 2023

Aalborg Airport will now become the only airport in Jutland with a direct non-stop route to Southern France, when Norwegian, in the summer of 2024, starts flying directly to the French Riviera and the popular southern French city, Nice. Consequently, there is ample opportunity to prioritize sun, beach, and French delicacies when planning the next summer vacation from Aalborg.

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Air France-KLM Names Aalborg Airport as having Europe's Best Customer Experience

13. November 2023

In 2021, Aalborg Airport was recognized as having the best airport lounge worldwide within the entire Air France-KLM network. In a new passenger survey for 2023, conducted by KLM, Aalborg Airport is once again acknowledged, this time for the overall customer experience at the airport compared to other European airports served by Air France-KLM.

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Første direkte afgang til Tenerife med Norwegian

31. October 2023

I dag den 31. oktober blev det første Norwegian-fly sendt afsted mod varmere himmelstrøg på den solrige ø, Tenerife. Knap 180 forventningsfulde rejsende kunne inden afgang nyde lidt kage og kaffe i gaten, hvorefter den røde snor traditionen tro blev klippet for officielt at indvie ruten.

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Aalborg-New York

31. October 2023

På grund af en omprioritering af ressourcer hos SAS – i forhold til brugen af flytypen A321LR på langdistanceruter – er den direkte rute fra Aalborg til New York ikke længere til salg i sommeren 2024. Det samme gør sig gældende for ruten fra Göteborg til New York, hvor samme fly blev benyttet.

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